Every farm is unique. Reliable effluent systems that work every day in the real world need experience, expertise and an integrated design approach.
We are one of only a few companies accredited to Design Dairy Effluent Systems that, if requested, will meet industry standards and codes of practice.
The Yardmaster Effluent Systems Design Process:
There are many elements that make up an effective effluent system including Distribution infrastructure, Irrigation equipment, Solids separation, Storage, Flood wash systems for feed and stand-off pads, Bunkers and wash systems for herd homes and Management plans and training to ensure successful system operation.
To determine the best configuration of these, that will best suit your needs, requires:
A. Unique Farm Layout Review.
This includes a review of distances from your cowshed to storage ponds, proximity to any waterways to pond storage, required head of irrigators from effluent storage.
B. Irrigation Method Preference
By working backwards from your preference for Irrigation method can influence what systems best suits you. i.e. certain irrigators can handle more solids than others, which will determine what level of separation is required. Other factors to consider when choosing an irrigation method include soil type and Irrigation area, this may influence what depth the effluent can be spread and therefore will lend the system design to certain types of irrigators over others.
In Summary, there are many other factors that make up an effective effluent system. Yardmaster has the qualifications, products and team to customise your system to meet your current and future needs.
Often a good starting point when considering an effluent system is to see examples of systems other farmers have chosen to see what options there are and what the latest system developments/trends are. Yardmaster have a large number of case studies of proven effective effluent systems.
To future proof your effluent system an FDESDA designed effluent system is the recommended approach for complete peace of mind.
Farm Dairy Effluent System Design Accreditation Programme
The Farm Dairy Effluent System Design Accreditation programme provides a new way forward for Effluent System Design in NZ. The programme goal is to ensure all NZ dairy farmers have effluent systems that can achieve dairy industry and wider communities expectations for the land application of dairy effluent:
You are invited to read the Farmer’s Guide for Farm Dairy Effluent (FDE) Systems. This gives good advice for planning the right system for your farm.
Check you're compliant for 'peace of mind': Get your Effluent System W.O.F
The Effluent W.O.F programme is insightful and practical, covering the entire effluent system.
We arrange a W.O.F Assessor, certified by Dairy NZ, to assess the health of your effluent system.
A 3-4 hour assessment covers the farm’s effluent consents and permitted rules, the storage capacity, nutrient loadings, soil risk, irrigator performance, off-pasture infrastructure and general health and safety requirements.
Assessors point out areas of risk and suggest practical actions a farmer can take to ensure their system is capable of being compliant 365 days a year.